I have also found these to help for Hormonal Harmonization creams used topically too:
My life has been blessed with Miracles.
I know this is why I am healing...
I am grateful for each one and look for miracles in everyday things as well.
In June, I began taking Medical Qigong 2 at 5 Branches University of Chinese Medicine and while doing MicroComic Orbit with the "Fire Cycle" in Lower DanTian, I begin to feel it was burning karma. Then, a voice within told me to “Go to the Lama at the Land Of The Medicine Buddha”. (Repeating until I promised to go.) When I checked, sure enough a Lama directly under the Dalai Lama himself, was coming to teach there and he culminated with offering initiations & blessings. So on JUNE 9th I received a blessing from Lama Ski. Vipashyana - I could feel it “unwinding” the karma with all my health issues. They began to “unravel” a bit so they could begin to heal faster. Then, the next day, I heard a voice say to “Go to Swenson’s & see what is there.” This is where I had gotten the New Zealand Keratin before. And sure enough, there I find the Tibetan Keratin - continuing the study. Then, June 28th Zackariah received a blessing from Land Of The Medicine Buddha in the Temple - changing our karma for not taking him for training when he was 2 and pointed to Tibet on a Map - then a globe, then a map again that evening for his Father too. With out talking - we asked questions about his life as a monk in Tibet. Then, that night for his first word - he points to his chest and says “Ariah”- that we find means “Nobel” in Sanskrit - in Tibetan it is a group of holy one and perhaps he was telling us more about his life as a monk. Yet we took is as his new name and legally changed him name to Ariah. Then, at 5 while I was teach Reiki at an Indigo Camp he did a healing on a girl with Mudras and would not break his concentration until he was done with the set of mudras that I found out later were Tibetan. I am taking on the learning & offering Tibetan Medicine for him this life time resolving my karma for not taking him to study Tibetan Medicine - as we did in that past life together. I remembered much of the life resolving many things after the blessing as well. It had already remembered some of it but now I had more details. And it began to make more sense that while I was pregnant with him -
I trained in Tibetan Reiki up to Master Level.
Not sure how much of the healing he had to do with.. yet it was her brilliant efforts and follow-through that allowed her healing - not me.. I just pointed the way and walked with her.
Then, a woman came to meas a Wellness Consultant - to support her in cleansing for the best results
for an operation to remove a cancerous ovary.
After working with her for only 3 weeks -
she went into complete remission then had
a beautiful healthy baby girl the next year.
(I feel our son may have had something to do with her healing so fast.)
This totally blew me away and lead to me to start writing FOODCOOL
that she offered as a booklets with FOODCOOL KITS
to known musicians to help them with their continually touring lives:
Lenny Kravitz, Sheryl Crow, Sarah McLachlan,
Dave Mathews Band, Counting Crows,
Collective Soul, & Shawn Colvin.
Cleansing our digestive system to build our immune system, while harmonizing our hormonal/energetic system.
In addition, both clearing past karma and focusing on steps towards future visions - by doing what we love with a loving interdependent community - this is how we all heal optimally - equanimity.
Insights Into The Anatomy Of A Miracle
I was lead to adding Tibetan Bowls to Tibetan Reiki sessions that began in my pregnancy when I became a Master and a woman healed of ovarian cancer in only 3 weeks. Later, I was lead to using the OM Acu-Tuning Fork that healed my continual left ear aches together with Frankincense Oil. Since then, I have been working with many sets of Acu-Tuning Forks and the ear aches are gone yet I live with Tinnitus that I have learned to tame with:
9 Count Breathing: 9 IN - 9 Hold - 9 OUT
(a pulling inward on the hold - like a "Kagel" pulling in and up.)
This has lead me to Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow that I was lead to offer because it is so easy to share
and centers us so easily quickly.
I continued to study Chinese Medicine and became a CA Certified Massage Therapist and Asian Bodywork Practitioner from 5 Branches University. Now I combine various layout flows with many sets of Acu-Tuning Forks.
This is the story about the process of healing a life threatening condition against all odds for a film on the findings
and other people doing life affirming things that are helping us to cocreate peace.
I do the Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow & HH9 Series first, in the morning.
The HH9 is the gift that I was given from a non-infected tonsil cyst.
I was
lead to the ingredients of the HH9 Series - because the tonsil cyst I found in my mouth - was
filled with our own healing nutrients - that make hormones and send it up and down the spine to where it is needed and I felt this happening in my body. So I know it is true.
I used to add Hydergine 4.5 mg sub-linguals now at the end of my daily HH9 Series each AM.
Hydergine’s was not available for nearly a year - yet as soon as I realized it, I bought all I could on Amazon and had some to get me through these Phases of this study.
(Hy Pro is out now at Antiaging Systems International but it had a baking soda digestive reaction.
Great to use as an anti-acid but otherwise I can't use it.
I am using the BEMER (www.bemeramerica.com) which also give oxygen to the cells.
Also, the Keratin was first from New Zealand and so for a time
I could not continue the HH9 Series Study that has helped many.
Now the keratin is available from Tibet - also from wool. (Full Story on *Articles page.)
Morning Tonic with Probiotics and herb/mushroom tinctures:
2 oz of Mango Good Belly & 1 cup-ful of Collagen & C & UT Answer (w/ mannose)
I dropper full squirt of: Sundance Tonic - (Hosey Tonic with no iodine in it) in alcohol
Essiac Tonic - tincture with alcohol
Organic Mushroom Immunity - Staff Of Life (in glycerin)
Deer Antler - Dragon Herbs (Phase 3 & 4)
specifically for optimal regeneration
Morning Hot Tub - then Morning Tea
Spring Tea (Dragon Herbs) Chai Yerba Mate, or Tibetan Tea (if constipated)
Goji Berries 1 oz. (1 handful)
Y.S. Eco Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, Honey
Manuka Honey
MEALS: If I am short for time I may have a Superfood Smoothies with Almond/Coconut Milk Maca,
and lots of wonderful adaptogens - with Whey &/or plant proteins from Young Living & other companies.
Or perhaps some fruit with a bigger meal a bit later.
I’m an Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian - mostly plant based yet when I need it - I listen & eat:
Free Range Organic Eggs & Raw Sheep Cheese & Milk (Raw when possible).
On Raw Sheep Cheese:
Raw Goat Cheese was a favorite - yet Tibetan Medicine says
not during menopause - sheep has more accessible fats that are needed.
Also to drink water (with chlorophyll) during hot flashes as much as possible and drink more of it daily.
I have Udo’s Oil with Lingman’s on Huge Salads with Avocados, Red/Yellow/Orange Peppers, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, organic peas, nuts, seeds and nut butters. I eat lots of Superfood Pop-corn and LOVE Raw Coconut water & coconuts. No breads, just Seed Crackers, No cakes or cookies, just Dark Salty Organic Chocolate & Coconut Ice Cream or a superfood bar - is my treat. I eat Hummus, BabaGanoosh and veggie rich soups, some Dayia Vegan Cheese, Tofu-rella vegan cream cheese & meat substitutes - yet mostly I stay away from processed foods and eat a lot of plant rich Mediterranean foods.
{I used to think I was Hypoglycemic - then I found I was just Mediterranean - Paz is Hungarian - I am Romanian - we both love to take naps after our biggest mid-day meal. Then, we work until the evening when we take a walk -
hot tub - and have a smaller meal. We do our best to be in bed early as it is possible before 10 or 11.}
Supplements with my meals:
Hormonal Herbs - Gaia: Thyroid Support & Staff Of Life: Adrenal Rx, Menopause Support and Vitamin Code Supplements: B Complex, Women Over 50, & ACF228 (Phase 1 only - along with “Product B”)
Chinese Herbs from Plum Flower Brand: 8 Flavors, Left Side Replenishing (More Dragon Herbs in Phase 3 & 4)
Everything got more complicated with menopause - I started backsliding with all the my conditions getting worse - but then my back went out and I had painful spasms (Dec 2013/Jan 2014/Feb 2014) that made me unable to walk. This made me feel that perhaps this is what Stanfords was warning me about. (Being crippled.)
So instead of giving up.. I understood that I had to rebuild.. and began to do research on peptides.
Do yourself a favor, and do a bit of research for your conditions at IAS and see what other countries are doing for it now.
I have documented all my findings - to offer more insights into conditions that have no answers except the one that saved me:
A Longevity Lifestyle: Superfood Adaptogens,
Energetic Ergonomics: Yoga, Qigong, Meditation, Tantra,
Taking walks with loved ones and Insightful People,
Places, and Things with
lots of Gratitude,
Compassion, and Patience.
This former Russian military secret is now available to the public!
Today Professor Vladimir Khavinson is the President of the European Academy of Gerontology and Geriatrics, but in the 1980’s he was a Colonel in the Soviet Union military medical corps. At the time, he and his team were approached by Kremlin officials, they wanted them to find a way to protect their troops from a myriad of problems; issues such as radiation for submariners in nuclear submarines to troops that may be blinded from known, (but thankfully unused) new weapons such as battlefield lasers.
What their secret research uncovered - that was used for two decades on many thousands of men and women - was a remarkable link between short chain peptides and DNA.
Now their published research is in the open and it identifies that each organ / gland / tissue uses a highly specific short chain peptide to act as a ‘short cut’ to initiate protein synthesis. These peptides can be found in food and unlike proteins they can enter the blood through the stomach. Through a comprehensive list of patents and even copyrighted PowerPoint slides, the Russian research group are showing that each of the concentrated peptide bioregulators so far examined interact with particular strands of DNA - effectively and very specifically activating repair and regenerative processes.
This is a remarkable story since what we are describing here are individualised gene switches and since they have been tested for many years on thousands of individuals, without report of any serious side effects or contraindications to date, they could be set to ‘out do’ stem cells. Why? Because this peptide therapy is relatively cheap, highly specific, can be taken orally and doesn’t require any suppression of the immune system to operate fully.
Professor Khavinson and his award winning team at the St Petersburg Institute of Biogerontology have discovered that each organ / gland has a biological reserve and despite the origin of the tissue they have studied, incredibly each one is always set at 42%
Even dosing doesn’t need to be daily, these peptide bioregulators have been shown to act even after a simple course of 2 capsules daily for 10-days. Healthy individuals only being encouraged to repeat the course 6-months later, although of course depending on the need this course can be repeated every 3-months, 2-months or 1-month if necessary. But compared to a hormone replacement therapy this is interesting, since hormones would require almost daily application. But these peptide bioregulators aren’t hormones, they are acting on the gland concerned to ‘encourage’ it to become active and effectively ‘younger’ by triggering / activating the DNA responsible.
Here at IAS we are excited about this emerging technology and have been following it since 2010 and will be reporting much more, though articles, interviews and videos etc., so please stay tuned. There’s more to learn including the synergistic interaction of the peptide bioregulators themselves and if individuals are using hormones concurrently, then there may well be a need to monitor their blood levels more closely with a view to lowering those doses and applications etc.
Note: Of the 20 or so peptide bioregulators available IAS has chosen the following, (and will be adding more into the range in due course). All the sources of these Peptide Bioregulators are from carefully chosen Danish bovine tissues and processed through pharmaceutical processes and filters.
Currently all of these peptide regulator capsules enjoy registration on the Russian market as food supplements.
Bonothyrk® is the Parathyroid Peptide Bioregulator
Bonomarlot® is the Bone Marrow Peptide Bioregulator
Cerluten® is the Brain Peptide Bioregulator.
Chelohart® is the Heart Peptide Bioregulator.
Chitomur® is the Bladder Peptide Bioregulator.
Endoluten® is the Pineal Peptide Bioregulator.
Glandokort® is the Adrenal Peptide Bioregulator.
Gotratix® is the Muscle Peptide Bioregulator.
Libidon® is the Prostate Gland Peptide Bioregulator.
Pielotax® is the Kidney Peptide Bioregulator.
Sigumir® is the Cartilage Peptide Bioregulator.
Suprefort® is the Pancreas Peptide Bioregulator.
Stamakort® is the Stomach Mucus Peptide Bioregulator.
Svetinorm® is the Liver Peptide Bioregulator.
Taxorest® is the Lung Peptide Bioregulator.
Testoluten® is the Testes Peptide Bioregulator.
Thyreogen® is the Thyroid Peptide Bioregulator.
Ventfort® is the Blood Vessel Peptide Bioregulator.
Visoluten® is the Retina Peptide Bioregulator.
Vladonix® is the Thymus Peptide Bioregulator.
Zhenoluten® is the Ovary Peptide Bioregulator.
IAS is the first western organisation to make these peptide bioregulators available and we shall be reporting regularly on them.
Disclaimer: Please note that only your own physician can determine your precise needs, but in order to give you some information these answers are based upon the ‘average person’ and clinical / published results.
Q. Which PB is best for blood pressure?
A. Ventfort® -start at 2-capsules daily for 30-days, repeat at 2 capsules daily for 10-days each month. As the condition improves the 10-day cycle can be reduced to every 2, 3 or even 4 months. Don’t overlook the possibility that low levels of magnesium could be involved.
Q. Which PB is best for atrial fibrillation?
A. Chelohart®- start at 2-capsules daily for 30-days, repeat at 2 capsules daily for 10-days each month. As the condition improves the 10-day cycle can be reduced to every 2, 3 or even 4 months. Note: Don’t overlook the possibility that low levels of progesterone and/ or magnesium could be involved.
Q. What does the muscle peptide Gotratix® do?
A. The Gotratix® peptide regulates the metabolism processes in muscular cells, improves their safety margin and has a favorable effect on adaptive capabilities in extreme conditions; it also has antioxidant properties and helps to regulate the peroxidation processes in the muscular tissues. Thus, it can be expected that Gotratix® is an effective means to restore the function of muscles under intense physical load, like those involved in sports.
It is commonly known that various means and methods of pharmacological and more recent genetic correction, can be used to improve the physical performance capability of athletes and their adaptation to increased physical and psycho-emotional loads, (Seyfulla, 1999; Yakimov, 2001). Irrefutably evident is the fact, that athletes using banned pharmaceutical products, cannot maintain stable high competition for a long time, because they have physiological failures at the high loads, (Semenov et al., 2002). The risk is made worse because of many new stimulators, whose doping effect is disguised by different food and vitamin additives, (Mikhailov, 2006).
Therefore this is not only an issue of the early detection of the negative consequences of administration of modern doping substances, but also the need to develop methods for the bioregulation of physiological reserves for high-qualification athletes; to help create effective prevention of physical de-adaptation in their training cycles.
Furthermore, maintaining the spare capacity of the muscular system is also a problem for people who do moderate physical exercise and especially for older individuals who may be developing sarcopenia.
A clinical study of Gotratix® peptide efficiency was carried out at the Medical center of Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology between April till November 2011. The study included 37 veterans of sport aged between 40 and 65 years, including 19 men and 8 women who specialized in rowing and track-and-field athletics. Those examined in the control group (17 persons), had been training under a general program. Athletes in the treated group (20 persons), in addition to basic training also took Gotratix® at 2 capsules twice daily (at mealtimes) for 30 days.
It was established that the application of Gotratix® resulted in the improvement of the general condition of the patients in the treated group over the controls. All treated patients noticed an increase in their physical efficiency. The parameters of speed and force for dynamometry and standing long-jump were significantly higher in the treated group when compared to the controls. Step-test and dorsal spine mobility parameters in the persons examined, taking Gotratix®, were also improved over the controls.
Q. Does it make sense to take the Thyreogen® peptide if my thyroid has been removed completely and subsequently I'm taking 240 mgs of Armour thyroid? I wasn't sure if it was pointless if I have no thyroid.
A. You are correct that in this instance it would be pointless. The peptide bioregulators work by initiating the ‘biological reserve’ of the gland/ organ in question. If that gland has been removed nothing can be initiated, therefore as you are currently doing the only way to address such a situation is to take the relevant hormone.
Q. I need to provide a peptide bioregulator for someone that had a heart attack and with CHF. I wanted to know what is your opinion?
A. Professor Khavinson’s recommends the following peptide bioregulators for their synergy:
The intensive course is 2 (QD or BID) capsules daily for 30-days, thereafter 2 capsules QD for 10-days each month.
It is worth noting that the published work of cardiologist Kenneth Kensey suggests that the two most important criteria to assess risk of heart attack (or stroke) are blood viscosity and arterial stiffness. Another recent publication even suggested that Alzheimer’s may be due to viscous blood too! So an answer is to keep arteries ‘soft’ and blood ‘thin.’
Published in December 2013 in the Journal of Aging Science are supplements that can reverse arterial stiffness. The fastest to work are those that can release nitric-oxide, L-arginine and L-citrulline, (Nitric-Pro® powder and Neo40® lozenges respectively- nitric-oxide levels can be tested with Neo40® saliva test strips.) Plus anything that acts as an anti-glycation agent is excellent also, this could be metformin, aminoguanidine or L-carnosine.
To ‘thin’ blood supplements with resveratrol can assist, as can the enzymes in Boluoke® and Wobenzym®. A child’s aspirin is the ‘classic’ approach, but its long term use can damage the stomach lining.
For additional protection, choose Bio En-R’Gy C® (a vitamin C drink that also contains ribose which is excellent to maintain pulse and MSM to reduce inflammation) and CoQ10 in high doses should also be considered, (or idebenone in lower doses).
I am interested in about 7 of them for different concerns. For example I would like to try the 3 recommended for vision, as well as adrenal, thymus, pineal, and maybe cartilage. Is it possible to take 3 for 10 days, then the other 3 or 4 the next 10 days of the month? Or should you alternate months taking 3 or 4 each month?
There is no problem with combining them all at the same time. This is because each has a highly specific gene reaction that is only applicable to that gland or organ. Of course in some cases the improvement of particular hormones could interfere with each other and this should be noted and monitored.
The best beginning is to know one’s weak points and address them first. That can also give a target for dosing, i.e. to dose the weak points more aggressively and the others less so.
As you may remember from the Aging Matters™ article, general support can be as little as 2-capsules a day for 10-days (that’s one package) followed up again in 6-months. Dependent upon the need the follow up could be each 4, 3 or 2 months.
An aggressive dosing schedule is 1 or 2 capsules twice daily for 30-days.
How should a 70 year old lady with Multiple Sclerosis be treated?
A difficult case but you can try Cerluten® - nervous system peptide, Endoluten® - pineal peptide, and Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide. You can combine them for example in the following way: 1 capsule of each in the morning and 1 capsule of each again in the evening for at least 30 days; repeated as necessary.
How should a 67-year old post-menopausal woman who has chronic insomnia be treated?
Try Endoluten® - pineal peptide - 2 capsules daily for 1-month, repeated as necessary. This will improve melatonin secretion.
How should a 68 year old man with chronic fatigue with sleep problems be treated?
Try Endoluten® - pineal peptide - 2 capsules daily for 1 month but this may require regular repeat dosing.
How should an insulin dependent diabetic be treated?
Difficult if there is a strong insulin dependency, try Suprefort® - pancreas peptide - and Endoluten® - pineal peptide.
How should a type 2 diabetic or a person with metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance be treated?
Combine Suprefort® -pancreas peptide - and Endoluten® - pineal peptide
What combination of peptides would be best to consider for the elderly in general?
Glandokort® - adrenal peptide, Vladonix® -thymus peptide and Ventfort® - blood vessels peptide.
Would there be a difference between dosing for men and women?
Not particularly, the dosing is more related to need than sex or bodyweight
Is it best to include the blood vessel peptide in all combinations used?
Yes it is recommended, the blood vessel peptide is known as Ventfort®
What peptides would be recommended for a menopausal lady with osteoporosis?
Sigumir® is the cartilage peptide but will be required with regular repeats
How to correct disorders of the immune system?
Combine Vladonix® - thymus peptide, Endoluten® - pineal peptide and Ventfort® -blood vessel peptide
How to correct disorders of the thyroid?
Combine Thyreogen® - thyroid peptide and Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide
How to correct disorders of the kidneys?
Combine Pielotax® - kidney peptide and Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide
How to correct disorders of the testes?
Combine Testoluten® and Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide
How to correct disorders of the prostate?
Combine Libidon® - prostate peptide and Ventfort® -blood vessel peptide
How to correct disorders of the retina?
Combine Visoluten® - retina peptide and Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide
How to correct eyesight problems in general?
Combine Visoluten® -r etina peptide, Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide and Cerluten® - brain peptide
How to correct disorders of the liver?
Combine Svetinorm® - liver peptide and Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide
How to correct disorders related to the central nervous system?
Combine Cerluten® - brain peptide and Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide
How to correct disorders related to the adrenal glands?
Combine Glandokort® - adrenal peptide and Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide
What is the typical dosing regimen for the peptides in general?
Two capsules a day for 10-days - a total of 20 capsules equivalent to one pack - for general support this can be repeated again in 6-months’ time, if the need is greater then it can be repeated again in 2 to 3 months’ time, if the need is felt to be great then typically the regimen is repeated every month.
Q. This is a case of neovascular retinal overgrowth treated with laser ablation. Now there is a central blind spot where the laser also destroyed the retinal cells.
As a rule apply a complex of peptides - retinal peptide (Visoluten®), peptide from the brain (Cerluten®), immune peptide (Thyreogen®), peptide from vessels (Ventfort®); in order to reduce macular edema and to reduce vascularization.
Q. Spinal stenosis treated with Spinal fusion and finally Laminectomy. Now still has peripheral nerve symptoms including muscle pain and weakness.
In case of spondylarthrosis we apply a course of peptide preparations from cartilages (Sigumir®), nervous system (Cerluten®) and vessels (Ventfort®).
I get most of these Longevity answers from
International Antiaging Systems
and highly recommend them for their products
as well as their extensive research on all their products
that they take in from all over the world
offering tomorrow's answers today.
Thanks for your attention and
may I offer insights into your condition
so that you can heal and serve in our planet's awakening.
Dr. Richard Lippman, is a Nobel Prize nominated Dr. (in Medicine for his Adaptogen Findings) came up with the same conclusions to save his life - as I did. I am being lead to answers to save my life and finding an article that Dr. Lippman wrote - confirmed so many of my own findings. This article said how he had saved his own life with a similar combination of:
Peptide BioRegulators, Longevity Adaptogens,
and Hormonal Support.
So you can imagine I was eager to try it and I knew it would help and in fact it has.
I have completed Phases 1-4 and I am preparing for Phase 5 & 6.
I highly Suggested his book: "Stay 40 Without Diet Or Exercise"
(Not the best title, yet filled with lots of great info.)
And his article that affirmed my own intuition about my healing process:
"The Grim Reaper Came Calling and I Answered By
Correcting My Hormones & Peptides."
*During Phase 1 (more phases if I could afford it) I also added Dr. Lippman’s antioxidant combo:
ACF 228 Dr Lippman’s FRS. Dr. Lippman used these Russian Peptide BioRegulators - so I took them, because of his experiences, and because they have 30 years of research in the Russian Military that International Antiaging Systems has put together for us.
It is just new to us in the US because it was not known to us until now. The cow protein that feeds your own stem cell comes from he most healthy proteins for the specific organ - since it is your stem cell - it is OK that it came from a cow - because it is not the cows stem cell that is used - just their protein to stimulate the growth of the stem cell to be super healthy from these Australian Cows.
MY BACK WENT OUT 3X’s with PAINFUL spasms each time I moved.
Update - after Phase 6 - what could have been another week-month of PAINFUL spasms... was only 24-48 hours and I was dancing again.
Mid Nov 2013 I went to LA to walk the red carpet at the Hollywood Music Awards for my song
“Across The Universe 2013” that was nominated in Jazz. Then, had Thanksgiving with Family in LA & jerked my hip with surprise sunken living room that I mis-stepped with 3x's - but did not notice is as an issue - until we got home. Suddenly, I could not stand - Paz caught me as my hips gave way.
(The Belt Channel in Chinese Medicine - Kidney/Adrenal).
Also, our hot tub stopped working and doing evening hot tubs and sometimes morning and afternoon ones as well - was no longer an option - doing hot baths too,
but not regular hot tub therapy like before. I now have daily (more if needed) BathYoga that I have developed when being in the bath was the only time I could meditate because I was not in pain.
Early Dec. Hips Fail Episode #1: Early Dec. 2013 - My hips suddenly fail, they can not hold up my body and I could not walk for a week with painful spasms in my back, then I was able to crawl to the bathroom the next week. And then the 3rd week I could slowly walk. It was good because we went back to LA for a Funeral Jan 25th 2014. But when we returned - it happen again. And this happened for a 3x again - around the same time each month and I began to see the pattern. It was menopause related. Periods had been monthly before this - although In the last few years - 3 times I pulled back my period (it stopped and I started flowing again) with all kinds of good things for female organs - giving my adrenals time to heal so I could make a more graceful transition to menopause.
Periods for 2013: Nov. 29th, Dec 24th 2013
(then Hips Fail Episode #2 Early Jan)
Periods for 2014: January 19th, Feb 28th
(March no period - Hips Fail Episode #3 Mid March)
(Peptides Phase 1: March 30-April 8th) April 16th, May 10th -
I’ve not had a period again. Between the thumping in my ear and hot flashes - sleep was minimal. During this time I had lots of menopause symptoms: hot flashes, weakness,
irritability, backaches & bloated belly.
Now mostly gone (in Phase 6)
Every time I cleanse with Master Cleanser - ALL MY SYMPTOMS GO AWAY..
most noticeable are the hot flashes - when they are gone.
Water with Chlorophyll when flashing and anytime between.
August, I went 3x’s to Qigong Trainings in LA & began Dragon Herbs - to get to the root of many of my symptoms and now only occasionally I have a hot flash, they seems to be gone as a thing I am dealing with all day and night. I found that it was all much better without sweets & spicy foods.
When I do a MC Fasts (11 since 2009) I have none of them or any symptoms at all.
I am very aware of the Menopause - pH connection - it helps the adrenal (that may be weak) to get rid of waste. So when we cleanse with MC we make it easier on it - so hot flashes just go away.
I take a sip of water if they happen.
It is a way - to burn out impurities - so it can be gotten rid of.
How could I heal my hormones with a thyroid issue without
Cow, Pig, or Synthetic Hormones?
Lots of support for the hormonal organs in nutrients and sessions &
30 years of Russian Medical Studies.
I was lead to do them at the beginning of a New Moon -
like with BioDynamic Gardening - it has been known to help
with growth and therefore regeneration - as the moon grows.
Also, doing them with something I was passionate to learn about in healing. I found this very healing.
Phase 1 starts on the New Moon March 30th - April 8th 2014
(Over 9th Anniversary of Whiplash Car Accident - 4/5/2005)
Phase 1 Peptides: Adrenal, Kidney, Thyroid, Thymus,
Cartilage (back+), Pineal Gland,
& Blood Vessel (B.V. you always you have to do each time).
That’s why it is best to take many at a time - they all need the Blood Vessel one to circulate -
they say it is fine to take many at a time because they each go where they are needed.
Phase 1 Result: After Back Episodes early Dec, Jan, March
I DID NOT have another back episode after the Phase 1 peptides.
And felt strong enough to cleanse.
Master Cleanser: April 29-May 8th OJ for 2 days (got period on 2nd OJ day)
May 10th 2014 was my last period until March 5th 2015 - 11 months.
My period returns to give more time for my Adrenals to heal.
Phase 2 Additional Inspiration:
I went to the Qi Revolution Aug 5-7th 2014 -
an amazing 4 Day experience.
I learned Supreme Science Qigong,
Breathing Exercises, deeper understandings in
the Chinese 5 Elements, and Food Healing.
Jeff Primack - the originator put together an awesome presentations on Food Healing - all about how the skins and seeds of produce have phytochemicals and how healing they are.
I went home and bought a super 3 horse power blender
to start making whole health smoothies. I got his whole package of well put together materials and will be learning it for a while.. especially to prepare for the
Annual SSQ Advanced Food Healing Certification.
I would love do the next Advanced Food Healing Seminar in Orlando - Nov. 6-9 2015.
If you get an opportunity to go to a Qi Revolution - do it. For only $149.00 I got 32 hours as a CMT.
For more info: Supreme Science Qigong Center - (800)-298-8970
www.QiGong.com - www.QiRevolution.com
All conditions are teachers -
when we are eager to learn their message they heal.
Left Ear Aches lead me to OM Acu-Tuning Forks
and Tinnitus to 9 Count Breathing
(Inhale 9/Hold 9/Exhale 9)
and my culminating new Qigong form:
Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow.
I now have found that 9 Count Breathing
allows me to tame the (L/ear) tinnitus that has been haunting my life since menopause.
How is menopause related to my cavernoma symptoms?
All my cavernoma symptoms are worse while going through the change.
9 Count Breathing was the inspiration for my latest Qigong development:
Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow & Tibetan 5 Element Qigong.
A wonderful inspiration came with choreographing my song “Silence Fills Sound”.
Without me planning The bridge fit perfectly to #3-6 of Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow.
Totally magical! (See Video)
I feel very inspired and lead and I know that this helps all healing to happen more easily.
So I found inspirational places for
Phase 3- Sound Healing Conference where I am giving and receiving Sound Healings.
Phase 4 - Esalen:"Process Acupressure" Workshop - giving and receiving healing.
Phase 2 starts on the New Moon Aug 25th - Sep 3rd 2014
Italian Peptides - this brilliant longevity Doctor understands the importance of Melatonin to so many important things in the body.. mostly with optimal sleep that helps all healing and regeneration. His focus on the thyroid caught my attention. I am happy that I tried this one as well. It could be part of my 2.0 TSH - I will try his again - he suggests it be repeated a few times a year with complex conditions. I am doing the Peptide BioRegulator for the Thyroid 3x's - first then again in Phase 6.
Phase 2 Peptides+MelSelZinc: To prepare I did Dr Pierpoali's sleep remedy first - Melatonin/Selenium/Zinc - it felt right to do first - because of the role of the thyroid in the sleep cycle+ issue. And I already had some. Then, once I was getting a good sleep regularly, I did his a triple Peptide combo - just for the Thyroid - Abaris - TRH Thyroid Hormone.
RESULTS = TSH 2.04 (5/2014)
Note: TSH test show a lot of shifting
Here's my TSH Overview: My first test was 7 years ago - TSH 7.9 - this was in 2007 - 2 years after the whiplash accident that caused a re-bleed of the cavernoma... and it took a while to get Kaiser to test my hormones. They said it had nothing to do with a whiplash accident. But I knew it did, because I felt pregnancy nausea a lot of the time and I knew that it had to have a hormonal cause because it lingered but I did not throw up - just like Morning Sickness. Still after lots of begging, I was told that only if I wanted to get pregnant could I get my hormones tested So I had to attend a meeting on it and all.. just so they would test my hormones. Once they did.. I had a TSH of 7.9 and my MD told me that all the people in the ER with traumatic things like head injuries (brain stem bleeds) have HYPOTYROIDISM.. it is what the body does under trauma... and so after a head injury that is common - and yet only after I had begged and begged for hormonal tests - did he tell me that.
2007 - 7.9
2/2012 - 4.0
6/2012 - 6.87
9/2013 - 3.960
5/2014 - 2.04
7/2014 - 13.8 (After an accident where again, I was not at fault and he was very verbally abusive & is suing me for a scratch on his new car that he caused by going through a parking space to pass me on the right that both Insurance companies have determined his fault yet he's still suing me - this rose it.)
1/2015 - 3.79 (I did a 12* Day Master Cleanser fast and felt a lot better. Since 09 when I moved to Santa Cruz to heal - and over the years as my body asked for it.. I have done 11th MC 10 Day - this 11th one in 2015 was *2 extra days beyond my regular 10th day +2 OJ Days.)
So see how much the TSH changes... this is not a good way to see the state of your Thyroid - so I do a Thyroid Complete because I am also dealing with Hashimoto's - yet that also fluctuates - with the HH9 Series and other herbal supplements for the Thyroid, Adrenals, and Kidney - not as much :
94 Antibodies in 2012
104 Antibodies in and 2015.
So it did go up but not that much in 3 years.
My Doctor actually felt that was amazing. I tested for a long time with hardly any change due to all the things I am doing for it - no doubt - including singing.
Yet because it changes according to your circumstances, moods, reactions, and body needs
- and especially what nutrients that you have to nourish it. I am certain that the HH9 Series done by taste.. accommodates what your body needs - while teaching you how to read what the body needs - as far as the hormonal nutrients that it can use to make whatever it needs. Trusting body wisdom is surely how we heal. So it was all these things not just one thing that helped me to heal.
After these results, I borrowed money to get more Peptide BioRegulators and do more phases.
There at the Qi Revolution, I was introduced to Dragon Herbs and began doing the whole program that was suggested at my FREE Acupuncturist Herbal Consultation that they offer when you call.
As a Chinese Medicine student it was awesome and comes highly recommended.
I am adding additional supplements along with Chinese Tonics for over-all health from DragonHerbs.com
Qi: Primal Yin Replacer: http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=169
Shen: Tao In a Bottle: http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=161
Jing: Tonic Alchemy (put in smoothies - 91 Adptogens for Optimal Health): http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=686
Deer Antler Drops: (fastest regeneration in nature - only during 10 days of Peptide BioRegulators) http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=006
Protector 2000: http: (with Reishi Spores) //www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=193
Medicinal Mushrooms:
Cordyceps (dried to eat - also in cap.) Dragon Spring Tea & Goji Berries
Changa - viral bacterial & cancer issues, and again regeneration and is a great antioxidant
Cordyceps - Blood Sugar, Energy, & Kidney concerns/making them great for menopause
Reishi - (one of the most studied mushrooms in the world) for over-all Immunity and Cardiovascular - help with the heart (along with Lotus Seeds - also good for the heart).
And both Reishi and Cordyceps help with Oxygen to the cells and the lungs because of it.
(I have a slight different Dragon Herbs program for Phase 5 & 6.)
From Aloha Medicinals:
Lion’s Mane - for overall regeneration, nerve growth, brain issues, & menopause.
For PHASE 3: I have been focusing on sessions with Mary Morgan L.Ac. (my Acupuncturist Mentor & dear friend) to prepare and especially while on the peptides. She has become very skilled at Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture (that uses the abdomen for diagnosis similar to Chi Nei Tsang - abdominal Massage I learned from Mantak Chia (who understood the value of the HH9 Series when he tried it) to also help with regeneration (CV 4 - main point). I am adding Sound Healing through Acu-Tuning Forks - focusing sessions on the Bladder Channel (spine) as book “Spark In The Machine” suggests to focus on. This is the way to stimulate the stem cells according to the book “Spark In The Machine: How the Science of Acupuncture Explains the Mysteries of Western Medicine” by Daniel Keown. For this reason I am also taking the Bladder Peptide BioRegulator - I like many women deal with Bladder Infections and I did have one 2 weeks after the whiplash car accident - so it has been a small issue too.
PHASE 3 starts on the new moon Sep 23rd to Oct 2nd 2014.
Phase 3 Peptides: Central Nervous System (Brain), Bladder, Retina (eye), Muscles (eye+), Cartilage (back+), & Blood Vessel
(B.V. you always you have to do each time.)
For Phase 3 I went to the 4th Annual Sound Healing Conference where I offered and received Sound Healing DNA Activations to help the peptides. I am focusing on the Fibonacci Spiral Treatments that I will teach someone to o on me. Also, after not being able to play my tenor sax due to the weight on my neck, I joined an Advanced Jazz Improv class where I am singing now - later I will be using a wind controller (midi sax) - a longtime goal. I have my Lotus Heart Yogadancers now rehearsing my songs for music videos. I met most of them in the Modern Dance Classes that I love - encouraging me to move in harmony
with my body. Ergonomic dance - flowing through life is my focus.
(More music & “Across The
Universe 2013”: www.aliahselah.reverbnation.com)
Sight Issue: I tried “Prism” glasses that improve “double vision" for a wandering eye by drawing it to the center. I tried “Prism” and how it did not work for me but the peptides for the eyes did improve my site and I plan to repeat the Retina, and Muscle one for it. When I am tested at the eye doctor the left is not weaker.. they both have 15/20 sight.. and it is only a shadow of the other image at certain angles and only at distances. I found out this was called: MONOSCOPIC VISION. And with things close up, my eyes are perfectly fine except for typical aging that made me far-sighted but with bifocals I can see perfectly. When I lift the inner brow close to the nose bridge on my left side - it is completely corrected - or when I put look close or up. He thought it could be corrected then with surgery. I am doing exercises and in this phase - peptides to strengthen the muscles of the eyes. To lift the brow that sags, I am also using the Avazzia - Ezzi-Lift Facial Massager with biofeedback to give the frequency that is needed by the body. I’ve been using this for the numbness in my face and above my left eye.
For over 15 years, I have been using Hannesdottir products for facials. They have one of the best - all natural facials I have found. They have a product called "Elixir Of Minerals" that helps to tighten that eye area and it helps a great deal when my drooping eye caused a slight double vision effect that was MONOSCOPIC vision - because both my eyes were good on their own - it was only the muscle that was the issue. It was complicated by a left side Lazy Eye. This formula was given to her by her Father on the other side from a dream. When so many cosmetic companies use all kinds of toxic materials in products - this company shows that it is not only not needed to do that.. you get better results with this all natural approach. And she has been a bright light for many - and offered a products that gave results and did not harm. I do this with my Afirming Facial.
In Phase 7:
Now they have a new one I will also be trying in Phase 5-7:
Elixir Eye Exchange
The monoscopic issue has resolved a great deal after the peptides I did in Phase 4... if I am rested. If I am tired it sags my eye down a bit. So I am building up the muscle more with Tibetan eye exercises, deep tissue massage, energy work, - more Retina & Muscle Peptide BioRegulators in Phase 6 with Can-C Eye-Drops.
PHASE 4 starts on the new moon Oct 23rd to Nov 1st 2014 (All Saints Day.)
Phase 4: I am planning to do 6 days at Esalen for a “Gateway To The Soul - Acupressure” Workshop during the 10 days of Peptides - for a joyful experience giving & receiving energetic healing. I am continuing the Tibetan Meditation class at Land of The Medicine Buddha. I am also preparing on all levels with my Lotus Heart Yogadancers learning my dances, focusing on music, & time with my husband and son. Doing things I love to do & focusing on the positive.
With Links To IAS Products (& others): At PHASE 7 - what a blessing.. at the end of Phase 6 I had a back relapse that lasted days instead of weeks or months. So I added Cartlage again in Phase 7 and more. Phase 1 starts on the New Moon March 30th - April 8th 2014 Phase 1:Over 9th Anniversary of Whiplash Car Accident - 4/5/2005 Russian Peptide Regulators have 30 years of Medical Studies. After reading all the research, I took: Adrenal, Kidney, Thyroid, Thymus, Pineal Gland, Cartilage (back+), & Blood Vessel RESULTS = I did not have my back go out again after that but to be sure - I repeated Cartilage (back+) in Phase 3 and will again in Phase 6. Phase 2 starts on the New Moon Aug 25th - Sep 3rd 2014 Phase 2: Dr Pierpoali's sleep remedy first - MZS (Melatonin/Zinc/Selenium) (It felt right to do first - plus I already had some.)
just for the Thyroid - Abaris - TRH Thyroid Hormone. RESULTS = TSH 2.0 (7 years ago it was 7.9)
Phase 3 starts on the New Moon Sep 23rd to Oct 2nd 2014. PHASE 3 Peptides: Central Nervous System (Brain), Bladder, Retina (eye), Muscles (eye+), Cartilage (back+), & Blood Vessel (B.V. you always you have to do each time.) For my eye I take supplements and I have been using Can-C as I can - ;-D I will do this in Phase 6 again - Monoscopic vision has vastly improved.
Phase 4 starts on New Moon Oct 23rd to Nov 1st 2014 (All Saints Day.) PHASE 4 Peptides: 5 - Repeats from former Phases - Adrenals, Thyroid, Kidney, and also new ones Heart, Lungs, & Blood Vessel (B.V. you always you have to do each time.) RESULT: Feeling better all around and ready to get into better shape and more forward on dreams that were on hold while I was in healing mode. I finally feel that I have some time to so some of the things I love to do now... and with this last phases.. I will be in really good shape - perhaps 20 more years. DRAGON HERBS PRE-POST PHASES 5-7 I am doing some changes (*) for the additional supplements from DragonHerbs.com Qi: Primal Yin Replacer: http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=169 *Return to Youth: http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=320 During times between 10 Day Peptide BioRegulators when NOT doing Deer Antler Drops Deer Antler Drops: (fastest regeneration in nature) http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=006 (For Shen - I was doing - Tao In A Bottle - more mind calming - now I have Diamond Mind.) Shen: *Pearl Shen: (nourishes Shen, Qi and blood - heart warming) http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=107 Jing: 4 Kings: (Medical Mushroom Complex) http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=197 Diamond Mind: (Tibetan Herbal Tonic for the Brain & Kidney) http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=160 Protector 2000: (Immune System) http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=193 with Reishi Spores Natural Woman: (for women to support healthy hormone balance & Liver) "Bupleurum & Peony Combination" http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=450 Codyceps (dried to eat - also in cap.) Dragon Spring Tea & Goji Berries Changa - viral bacterial & cancer issues, and again regeneration and is a great antioxidant Cordyceps - Blood Sugar, Energy, & Kidney concerns/making them great for menopause Reishi - (one of the most studied mushrooms in the world) for over-all Immunity and Cardiovascular - help with the heart (along with Lotus Seeds - also good for the heart). And both Reishi and Cordyceps help with Oxygen to the cells and the lungs because of it. Lion’s Mane - for overall regeneration, nerve growth, brain issues, & menopause. I am also getting high potency Aloha Medicinal Mushrooms: Cordyceps (Kidney), Changa (Kidney), Lion's Mane (for brain) More on how they are different than other medicinals soon - if you are curious go to Amazon and look up these Aloha Medicinal Mushrooms. I will post it later. As part of gearing up for Phase 5 & 7 where I will be using the old Sandoz formula HYDERGINE. I have begun taking the HYDERGINE.: HY Pro and I don't feel it as much - but muscle tested good on it with Terri Oberto CNC. The Sandoz formula from Navartis has been discontinued and they now have it available in Canada at 1mg caps. They say it is the same as the Sandoz formula but it is no longer sublingual and is recommended to take with food. I'm not sure how it can be the same formula but no longer sublingual? I have been taking this formula for 9+ years - daily as it was available. I find that it is really enhanced with the HH9 Series as I add it at the end and allow it to dissolve with the blend in my mouth absorbing into the gums. I am feeling how the HH9 Series offers better absorbing of all of it and Hydergine allows oxygenating it all as well. 2015 PHASE 5 - 7 Peptide Plus with HY PRO
Since consulting with Terri Oberto CNC (Nutritionist/NES Mentor) - and taking her NES Test - ED-11 LIVER - Primary driver for hepatic (liver) function. Field is generated by multiple liver functions. Field is damaged by toxins. Correction supports cells, functions, blood clotting, lymphatic regulation, detoxing enzymes and body pH. A FEEL GOOD I scanned the need for was: LIBERATION
I also did a few more scans and infoceuticals with Terri Oberto CNC:
Then to follow-up with this after Phase 6 along with
Promote strong, healthy bones and enjoy natural probiotic benefits with the Nikken Bone Health Pack. For lifelong bone maintenance, this combination of products literally helps rebuild bone density as well as assisting in the preservation of joints and cartilage.* Includes OsteoDenx®, CalDenx® and Lactoferrin Gold 1.8®.
Jarrow Formulas Pterostilbene, Supports Cardiovascular & Neurologic Health
Jarrow Formulas Nicotinamide Riboside - Energy Support
![]() 3 Rounds |
Cerluten (peptide bioregulator Central Nervous System) |
![]() 3 Rounds |
Endoluten (peptide bioregulator Pineal) |
![]() 5 Rounds |
Glandokort (peptide bioregulator Adrenals) |
![]() 3 Rounds |
Pielotax (peptide bioregulator Kidneys) |
![]() 3 Rounds |
Visoluten (peptide bioregulator Retina) |
![]() 3 Rounds |
Gotratix (Peptide bioregulator Muscles) |
![]() 5 Rounds |
Sigumir (peptide bioregulator Cartilage) |
![]() 2 Rounds |
Chelohart (peptide bioregulator Heart) |
![]() 3 Rounds |
Taxorest (peptide bioregulator Lungs) |
![]() This one needs to be done with each round. 6 Rounds (by Phase 9) |
Ventfort (peptide bioregulator Blood Vessels) |
![]() 2 Rounds |
Svetinorm (peptide bioregulator Liver) |
![]() 1 Round |
Stamacort (peptide bioregulator Stomach Mucas) |
![]() |
Chitomur (peptide bioregulator Bladder) |
KMS (Kiiko Matsumoto Style) Acupuncture in PHASE 3 & PHASE 7: To also help with regeneration I added sessions with Mary Morgan L.Ac. (my Acupuncturist Mentor/dear friend) who offers KMS
(Kiiko Matsumoto Style) Acupuncture that uses CV 4 - as a regeneration spot and abdomen for diagnosis similar to Chi Nei Tsang - abdominal Massage that I learned from Mantak Chia
who understood the value of the HH9 Series when he tried it.
I am adding Sound Healing through Acu-Tuning Forks - focusing sessions on the Bladder Channel (spine) as book “Spark In The Machine” suggests to focus on for regeneration.
This is the way to stimulate the stem cells according to the book:
“Spark In The Machine: How the Science of Acupuncture
Explains the Mysteries of Western Medicine” by Daniel Keown.
So I added Bladder too.
For overall immunity and to help the Adrenals during menopause to deal with infection
and other pathogens - there is Thymus.
![]() |
Vladonix (peptide bioregulator Thymus) |