10 Multiple Intelligence's, 10 Yogas,
&10 paths of the Kabbalistic Tree Of Life:
although we might be drawn towards one or a combination of these intellegences,
a well rounded education includes all of these as the tree of life suggests.
Once we understand our weaknesses & strengths,
it becomes a key to understanding how we learn.
It can be useful in strengthening weaker subjects...
through teaching in a way that's more comprehensible,
because it's taught in a way we best learn.

Intelligence Area            Strengths:                       Likes to:                           Learns best through:
Verbal Linguistic 
Understanding - Binah 
(Left Ear)
Dhyana Yoga /
Contimplation & Meditation
reading, writing, telling stories, memorizing dates, thinking in words read, write, tell stories, memorizing, word games  reading, hearing and seeing words, speaking, writing, discussing & debating
Math Logic
Judgment - Gevurah 
(Left Arm)
Juana Yoga/ Discovery of true nature through Wisdom & Philosphy (Of the Vedata) 
math, reasoning, logic
problem-solving, patterns 
solve problems, work with numbers, experiment  working with patterns and relationships, classifying categorizing, working with abstract concepts
Spatial Relationships
Grace - Chesed 
(Right Arm)
Raja Yoga/ Channel mental & Physical energy into a search for the Spirit
reading, maps, charts, drawing,
mazes, puzzle, imaging things, 
design, draw, build, create, daydream, look at pictures, working at puzzles working with pictures and colors, visualizing, using the mind's eye, drawing
Body Kinesthetics 
Foundation - Yesod 
Kundalini Yoga/Balancing Sexual Energy; Longevity of Spirit & Unlimited Creativity
athletes, dancing, acting, crafts, 
using tools, interested in health 
move around, touch, and talk, use body language, be healthy  touching, moving, processing knowledge through body knowledge & sensitivity
Wisdom - Chakhmah 
(Right Ear)
Mantra Yoga/Vibrational Harmonization & Balance
singing, picking up sounds,
remembering melodies,  rhythms, singing on pitch 
sing, hum, play an instrument, listen to music, learn new songs  rhythm, melody, singing,   listening to music & melodies
Presence - Malkhut 
Kriya Yoga/Religious Rituals
understanding people, leading, 
organizing, communicating,   resolving conflicts, selling
have lots of friends, talk to people & does so easily, join groups with those of like minds sharing, comparing, relating,  interviewing, cooperating
Will - Keter 
Hatha Yoga/Physical Balance (preparation for meditation)
understanding self, recognizing strengths & weaknesses, setting 
goals, self disciplines
work alone, reflect, pursues own interests & projects  working alone, doing self paced projects, having space, reflecting
Earth Science
Beauty - Tiferet 
(Solar Plexus)
Bhakti Yoga/Love & Devotion
understanding nature, seeing detail distinctions in plants, able to identify flora, fauna, crystals,  minerals, and stones of all kinds be in nature, interested in being able to learn more about the special needs of each species  working in nature, exploring living things, "natural" curiosity about gardening, bugs, animals, & other environmental subjects
such as Biology, Oceanography, Geology &  Astronomy
Splendor - Hod 
(Left Leg)
Laya Yoga/ Activation of the chakras, the psychic energy centers, through mantra repetition
very intuitive about others, may know things way beyond  their age or what's be told to them,  telepathic, very sensitive & emathetic (perhaps too much) be appreciated for the psychic gifts given, helped to be shown  that others have similar gifts, be understood & shown how the insights may always be used in a positive way for all concerned Setting their own pace & goals,  given lots of love never told these gifts are in anyway "evil", constantly reminded that it is a service they can offer to others
Eternity - Netzach 
(Right Leg)
Karma Yoga/ Self-less actions 
has a deep sense of peace all of their lives, a real desire to be kind and do the best they can in all they do, a deep moral sense  do kind deeds, read about God & spirituality, do research about beliefs (& religions) around the world, find out about all kinds of humanitarian acts around the world, and read spiritual leaders autobiographies &/or biographies understanding the overall picture as to how it relates spiritually, there are many kinds of subjects that need to be adapted with a wider view then there has been in the past i.e. history of enlightment, not wars.

 * adapted from the book - Developing Students' Multiple Intelligence's by Kristen Nicholson-Nelson
               (based on the ideas of Dr. Howard Gardner's book - Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences)

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