Fire=spiritual balance
We are all, also, to a more or lesser degree, living with psychic abilities.
(Jung discovered the mental institutions were filled with patients with strong psychic abilities.)
Many are very talented artists as well, even "gifted" ones who perhaps never developed their potentials because of lack of healthy interdependent support.
Lack of support from parents &/or teachers who may have been blocked creatively themselves and did not know how to or saw the value of an artistic path. Later, if the person is strong enought to take the path of an artist - they find it is filled with blows from other artists, art teachers, and from a media system filled with creatively blocked critics,
who's thoughtless words can at times ring louder than a calling to be creative.
(Behind the music... can we talk?)
When we are ready to really look at our lives... we may find ourselves in places that we never thought we would end up: in correctional institutions,  mental wards, dead end jobs, or unfufilling relationships.
So now that we see we want a better life,
how we go about changing it... is the path.

When we experience pain, some blame others, some blame ourselves,
and some become apathetic to everything & everyone...
and then there are those who grow from adversity & are made stronger by it...
they know the simple secret in life is...
making the best out of what ever happens.

Our pain & discomfort is the path to our enlightenment,
to numb the pain or blame yourself or others,
is to shut off the light & stumble in the dark.
If we acknowledge the pain & process what it's message is, we adjust & grow.
If we let our fears block the messages the pain brings,
we miss the true healing of understanding.

We all need support through these times of misunderstandings & fear
as well as for our creativity & intuitive insights that are our guides.
In tribal times, we would go visit the medicine man (&/or woman) of the tribe.
They might prescribe a ritual to go deep into dreamtime where the fear was born - or if it was needed they would tell us it was time to go on a vision quest.
The difference between those times & now,
is that this medicine man (or woman)
had also seen us though all of our life stages...

and the people of the tribe had know us all of our life, it was one big family.
Everyone was giving us support to go through  the pain to the other side,
it was looked at as a turning point, a rite of passage into elderhood,
not a problem that had to be fixed because we
(unlike others who may never question their lives deeply & and not risk stepping further)
have a "sick" brain.
A break down can be a wonderful spiritual awakening with the right support.
It's a calling from our soul to wake up and change our life.
In our society it can be seen as a shameful thing...
because we are "sick" and framing it this way cheapens the gift of what it is...
into a problem to be fixed rather than a path to unfold as part of our growth.
Looked at as a "sickness", we may never get to the bottom of it,
instead we are taught to just deal with it through
"coping mechanisms" that may just keep it coming back up.
If it keeps being ignored, the opportunity for the vision of who we could become on the other side of this awakening, keeps being lost.

For instance, Dr.'s offering anti-depressant drugs may seem to help,
and although for some it may seem needed for a time...
they often cut us off from our insights and inspirations,
& lead us to believe the answers are outside us, so the myth continues for an outward need. (Not to mention really messing up our liver and have other health problems as a result.)

Using a manic high is at the very core of inventions & the creative process,
and has been used for that by some of the greatest minds throughout history.
Living without it, isn't living at all... if we want to be: creative in a healthy way.
Using our passions to lead us on our journey... as life evolves them into compassion - for life, love, & truly living with a deep sense of purpose.

The key, is how to use our creativity in a way that's healthy & constructive to ourselves & those around us. It is a channel of insight
and co-creation process with Spirit (God &/or divine force as you understand it)
to help others to understand themselves and life better and therefore live more happy and fulfilled lives so we can help create a better world.

  • transparenting: 7 steps to being out of the way...
  • 3 steps to asking for: soulmates & life callings...
  • Healing vs. waging a war on the body
  • Living in the center of a... Sphere of A-bun-dance
  • 4 archetypal elements of a balanced healthy life
  • centerstretch & yogadance - MovementLifestyles
  • Other books, tools, & services in the works