Selah Clar Rheinstein CMT, ABT, PhD (c) - Holistic Life Counseling - Longevity Research & Wellness Activism
Personal Source Wellness
Wellness Consulting: Buiding the Immune System so you can Cleansing the Digestive System while calming and healing the Energetic System is the way to Health.
There are many natural forms that do no harm - so seek healthy upgrades of what you want.. moderation is key and listening to body wisdom is the path to freedom and prosperity.
(*Energetic Heaing = Reiki, giving and receiving healing & doing things you love with those you love, meditation, mindfulness, realaxing, taking a walk, swimming.)
Self-Healing Tools and Sessions, Classes, Workshops and Speaker.
Offering FOODCOOL, Bathology, & Wellness Kits
Offering Bodywisdom Insights: The Anatomy Of A Miracle through CoCreative Qigong Sound Healing & AromaTone Qigong Sessions
where Aliah teaches clients how to listen to their own body whispering through - Self-Muscle Testing.
CA (CMT) Certified Massage Therapist and (ABP) Asian Bodywork Practitioner (2011) and (ABT) Asian Bodywork Therapist (2016) from Five Branches Universityof Integrative TCM
CQI Certified Qigong Instructor from Lee Holden's 200 Hours Qigong Teacher's Training Certificate with Mantak Chia offering Medical Qigong and Chi Nei Tsang (Abdamonal Massage).
PhD candidate in Holistic Life Counseling from University of Sedona
PhD in Holistic Life Counseling
Hormonal Aspects in Optimal Learning Through lnterpersonal Skills, Arts, and Nutrition.
And Introducing CoCreative Arts & Communcations Methods & the HH9 Series for Hormonal Harmonization
Edgar Cayce & Longevity Herbs & Nutrition Specialist/Researcher
When offering Wellness Consulting, Aliah always starts research with what Edgar Cayce says first. Researching Edgar Cayce Medical Life Readings & Living his Teachings has been a joyous focus for Aliah
for over 30 years. He did over 2000 Life Readings that were well documented. Many include perceptive health advice that has stood the test of time - helping millions of people around the world. Through ARE Clinics and writings that others have done on his Life Readings and all his insights on life and our future. They have a great deal to offer us in terms of healing and in terms of awakening the highest good in humanity.
Longevity Research For Each Client
Aliah finds many of the latest medical studies done around the world, with Longevity Doctors through AntiAging Systems International and other International sources. Then she combines these with the Edgar Cayce findings - and adds her own ancient arts & wellness understandings through Yoga and Qigong - and her CoCreative forms of these: Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow, Lotus Heart Yogadance, ShalOm Yogadance,
Moon Cycle Qigong, & AromaTone Qigong, Reiki Qigong Soung Healing.
Offering Daily Custom Programs For Each Individual Client.
Computer/Office Work/Skills Overview
Events Coordinator:
Planning, Vendors, Food Organization, MC/Host, Sound Healing Invocation Prayers, New Thought Music, CoCreative Qigong Sound Healing Flows, Video Production, Promotions, Web Optimization & Social Media.
Computer Skills:
Mac & PC Experience - able to do these programs on either one - when available in both - or similar one.
Web Development - Dreamweaver, Graphics Design - Photoshop, Video Editing - Final Cut Pro
PC: Word/Excel/Power Point
Computer & Promotional Skills Details:
Artwork and copy for promotional cards, flyers & brochures & Web sites. Digital audio/video production of cassettes, CD’s, DVD, & videos – concepts, content, and covers art graphic artwork. Background music & jingles, copy & voice-overs for radio & TV spots. Music Videos, Video Production, Acting, Stand Up Comedy/ Hosting and co-producing several Pubic Advocacy TV Shows. Aliah is continually designing, producing, and maintaining multiple web sites and loves co-creating web sites as a visioning process.
Celebrating 40 years of Yoga.... Aliah is enjoying going deeper with Ayurveda
2013 Ayurveda Education:
Mount Madonna Institute - May 10-12 2013
Yoga and Ayurveda
Kamalesh Ginger Hooven, B.A. (Philosophy), CAP,
E-RYT 500
14 hours
Hannah Muse - 3 years
Yoga/Meditation Teacher
Divinitree - T/Th Noon class
Bhagavad Gita Class - 5 years
Thursday 8:30am-11:00 Ongoing - weekly
Pacific Cultural Center
2015 Ayurveda Education:
Mount Madonna Institute - October 23-25 2015
Healing with Ayurveda
Kate Bentley MA - Ayurveda & Danielle (Siri Radha) Knight CAP, RYT
14 hours
2016 Ayurveda Education:
Mount Madonna Institute - Feb 5-7 2016
Ayurvedic Medical Astrology-
Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, BAMS, MD (Ayurveda)
12.5 Hours
(On-line while in New Mexico)
California College Of Ayurveda March-Aug 2016 - Anatomy & (Ayurvedic) Physiology -
94 Hours
Foundations Of Ayurveda
30 Hours
In New Mexico:
The Ayurvedic Institute - April 1st-3rd 2016
Ayurvedic Secrets for Ageless Beauty using Proper Diet, Lifestyle, Herbs & Marma - Vasant Lad BAM & S. MASc
12 Hours
Hannah Muse - 2 Years
Yoga/Meditation Teacher
Yoga Church - Mondays 5:30
Healing/Teaching Resume Focusing on HOLISTIC HEALTH
Selah Clar Rheinstein CMT, ABT, CQI, PhD (c) in Holistic Life Counceling
Wellness Consulting/Movement Instructor - Events/Classes
Sacred Waters Santuary Spa
Truth Or Consequence, New Mexico
Privat Clients/weekly Lotus Heart Yogadance Class
AromaTone Qigong & Lotus Heart Yogadance & Tibetan Reiki Sound Healing
Developed & Teaching:
AromaTone Qigong Self Healing Tools & Sessions
Moon Cycle Qigong for Home Life Prosperity
Lotus Heart Qigong
all of her forms culminating into
Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow
taught to Lotus Heart Yogandancers.
March - Dec
Healthy Solutions
Wellness Center
Santa Cruz, CA
Body & Soul Yoga Studio
Santa Cruz, CA
In addition,
offering workshops at:
in 2013 & 2014.
Vibrational Aromatherapy Series
Cleansing, Hormonal Needs, Emotional Calm,
and Vibrational Raindrop Treatments
Vibrational Aromatherapy
Developed & Teaching:
AromaTone Qigong Self Healing Tools & Sessions
Moon Cycle Qigong for Home Life Prosperity
Lotus Heart Qigong
all of her forms culminating into
Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow
taught to Lotus Heart Yogandancers.
Feb - June
classes at
Body & Soul Yoga Studio
and producing
music videos
in Nature - with the
Lotus Heart
Shiloh Spiritual Center
San Diego, CA
Jewish Community Center
La Jolla, CA
with husband Paz Rheinstein - Master Astrologer, Musician & Web Wizard
Over the nearly 28 years of their marriage, together they have interdependently supported many with Transparenting Tools to transform their lives, careers - as well as their inner & outers relationships.
Musical Director –
Songwriter for themed songs
Sunday Service 10-12am
Transparenting Relationships:
Chemistry & Dynamics: Seminars
For Singles & Single Parents featuring
Get 2 Know U Tools
(In pre-production with app.
featuring Aliah’s Transparenting Tarot
& I-Ching 3 Card On-Line Reading:
Transparenting Tarot & I Ching Mini-Readings
Paz & Aliah also teach Living Astrology classes
& do couples/family charts together –
as well as seeing individual clients.
Jan - March
2 classes
in the series:
Jan & March
Being Fit Health Club
San Diego, CA
Yoga Teacher: Developing & Teaching:
Yogadance - is what began when I was 23...
that is now grew into Lotus Heart Yogadance and there are 2 sets:
Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow & ShalOM Yogadance.
Stand Up Comedy Traffic School
San Diego, CA
Carnival Comedy Traffic School
Austin, TX
Performed Stand Up at:
Capitol City Comedy Club,
Austin, TX
Trained with:
Sam Cox, Comedy Gym,
Austin, TX
Sandy Shore, The Comedy Store,
La Jolla, CA
Comedy Traffic Safety Instructor
Sensitivity & Awareness Facilitator
“Is How You Drive Your Car -
How You Drive Your Life?”
Developing & Teaching:
Get2KnowU Tool:
10 Universal Symbols For Self Inventory
& Relationship Insights
10 Universal Symbols
2 Years
1 Year
2002-2003 |
Lake Austin Montessori
Austin, TX (K)
Methods for
Masters Thesis on
Inner Motivation
Learning Adventure School
San Diego, CA (K-9)
Methods for
Ph.D Dissertation on
CoCreative Arts & Communications
Developed & Teaching:
Leadership Bully Safe Training
Kindergarden Empowerment After-School Program inspiring the hero of ones life through
teaching self-defense through
Martial Art basics. Inspiring self-discipline by focusing on collaboration in play, and
conflict-resolution skills through the
Transparenting concept:
The Art of Disarming the Bully -
Within & Around Us & Inner Motivation
Developed & Teaching:
CoCreative Arts & Communications
Compassionate Communications skills offering Inner Motivation &
Community building tools that allowed the whole school to transform
and not only become kinder - also better learners.
Empowerment through creative arts and conflict resolutions skills.
Introducing: The Friendship Circle,
Peace Bench, and CoCreative Arts, Communications, & Collaboration. |
6 Months
1 Year
2002 -2003 |
W. I. N. (Wellness Is Now)
Boston, MA
Senior Citizen Wellness/Exercise Instructor
Developing & Teaching: StretchDancing
1 Year
Jewish Community Center
San Francisco, CA
Exercise Instructor
Taught: Yoga, Aerobics, & Weights Training
1 Year
Jack La Lane’s
Health Spa & Gym
San Diego, CA |
Exercise Instructor
Teaching: Yoga (Stretch ‘n’ Tone), Aerobics,& Weight Training |
2 Years
1984-1985 |
Beth Israel School
San Diego, CA |
Kindergarten Sunday School Teacher
CoCreative Arts, Yoga, Storytelling & Art Projects
9 Months
1983 |
Schick Center
For the Control of
Weight & Smoking
San Francisco, CA
Addictions Counselor
Working with individual clients & groups
Re-Conditioning Behaviors |
1 Year
College Level Education Focusing on Energetic Healing/Wellness
Five Branches University
California Graduate School of
Traditional Chinese Medicine
San Jose, CA
My focus: hormonal/thyroid/mood issues and getting kids and adults off toxic drugs for learning & mood balancing needs and into a custom joyful, creative; healthy wellness lifestyles as Lifelong Learners - learning/doing what they love.
CMT (2011) ABP (2012) & ABT (2016)
from Five Branches University is the
Holistic Healing application for the PhD in
Holistic Life Counseling
from University of Sedona.
University of Sedona
Sedona, Arizona
Medical Qigong Practioner/Asian Bodywork Therapist/*Facials - Electro Acupuncture
Focus: Medical Qigong Sound Healing/KMS Protocol/Acupuressure/CranioSacral
Qigong Sound Healing/KMS Mentorship
Mary Morgan L. Ac. while continuing on MTCM &
Medical Qigong Practitioners Certificate Program
with Thomas Leichardt L.Ac.
Past Classes:
Lotus Hands, TCM Theory 1, Anatomy 1,
Business & Ethics, Micro-currents: for Pain & Injury,
BioFeedback Micro-currents: for Facial Rejuvenation,
Acupressure Series: Intro to Acupressure, Intro to 5 Element Theory,
TuiNa Massage, 8 Extraordinary Vessels,
5 Elements Theory, 5 Elements – Assessment
Shiatsu: Upper Body,
Purple Emperor's Zi Wei Dou Shu Chinese Astrology,
Blossoms In The Spring Qi Gong,
Cho Doa: The Way Of Tea,
KiiKo Matsumoto Style Acupuncture
for Neurology & Gynecology.
(as part of KMS Mentorship with Mary Morgan L.Ac.)
Masters Thesis:
Hormonal Wellness with Yoga, Sound Healing, & Mindfulness
PhD Dissertation: (PhD in Holistic Life Counseling)
Optimal Learning & Hormonal Wellness through CoCreative Arts & Interpersonal Skills.
Inner Motivation & Self Discipline
CoCreative Technology &
Ergonomic Wellness through
Custom Nutrition & Mentoring of
Core Classes/Interest Focuses.
CoCreative Arts Tools for
Optimal Learning & Wellness
Wellness Programs To Raise Social Emotional Intelligence
& Interdependent Support for students towards their calling.
Through Community Building
CoCreative Arts Programs.
Began classesat Five Branches Univeristy in 2009.
Certified Massage Therapist
since: 2012 #30196
Medical Qigong
Self Cultivation Certificate
Asian Bodywork Therapist Certificate
BA - Jan. 2010
MA & PhD
Courses & Methods
Studies completed.
Set to complete -Papers
MA Thesis: May 2020
PhD Dissertation: Dec 2022
Set to Graduate in May 2022.
Cabrillo City College 4.0
Dance, Art, & Music Classes - Produced and Performed several music videos. See music videos (2011 Cabrillo Dance Troupe) |
Upledger’s Institute
Twin Lake College of Healing Arts
Santa Cruz, CA
Cypress Health Institute
Santa Cruz, CA
Santa Cruz Chi Center
Santa Cruz, CA
Holly Guzman Inc.
Santa Cruz, CA
Qi Revolution
for Supreme Science
Qigong Foundation
Esalen Institute,
Big Sur, CA
Soul Lightening, Inc.
CranioSacral Therapy I - SF
Intro To Lymph Drainage Overview - Oakland
CranioSacral Therapy 2 - Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
Unwinding Meridians:
Applying Acupuncture Principle to CST - Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
Energetic Anatomy, Foot Focus, Acupressure 1
Chi Nei Tsang 1 w/ Master Mantak Chia
Chi Nei Tsang 2 w/ Lee Holden L.Ac,
Lee Holden's Qigong Teacher's Training - 200 hours
Level 1-3 Produced Lee’s Teacher Training
Several Medical Qi Gong Workshops with Mantak Chia
Kiiko Matsumoto Workshop with Kiiko Matsumoto
Chronic Symptoms from Post Op or Head Injury
Qigong Healing & Breathing Applications Level 1, 2, & 3
with Jeff Primack
Gateway To Soul: Process Acupressure
with Laurie Cahoon & Paul Sibcy
Certified QiGong Instructor (CQI)
July 2012
July 12-13th 2014
14 Hours
Aug 2-5th 2014
32 Hours
Oct 26-31st 2014
26 Hours
Huntington Pacific University
Huntington Beach, California
Doctoral Program focused the concepts
at Transparenting.net:
Transparenting Life Tools & Life Trainings -
A Lifelong Learners Network (her dissertation focus)
to allow and cultivate Optimal Learning & Wellness and how the 2 are connected through
Inner Motivation & Interdependent Support (CoCreative Arts & Comunications)
cultivating self-discipline for students
who love to learn all their lives.
MA in Clinical Hypnotherapy
Doctor Of Motivational Psychology - DMP
Discovered & Developed:

Over 50 people have had amazing results with taking HH9 Series that is swallowed
with a prayer, good thought, or wish that brings you joy.
For these Medical Studies connections to her findings
HPU gave her an Honorary Doctorate - DSc
Doctor Of Science in
Integrative Medicine for contributions in
Longevity & Brain Nutrition
HH9 Series Peptides Plus Study Updates:
HH9 Series Update for Harmonal Harmonization
An "
Informal Evidence Based, Functional Medicine, Study" that teaches us how to listen to our own bodywisdom - through taste.
Articles & her story:
“My Stroke of Intellect & The Sound Of Om: Insights Into The Anatomy Of A Miracle”
MA in Clinical Hypnotherapy
Dec. 2005
Doctorate in
Motivational Psychology
Dec. 2008
Honorary Doctorate:
Doctor Of Science in
Integrative Medicine for contributions in
Longevity & Brain Nutrition
Dec. 2008
Berklee School Of Music
Boston, MA
Healing Music - www.soundcloud.com/aliahselah
EPK & see Aliah's music videos: www.reverbnation.com.aliahselah
Singer-Songwriter/Vocal Scholarship
Received rarely given out scholarship and was honored to receive several singer/songwriting awards from teachers & students.
TOUCH (her band/duo) played Festivals/College Radio.
Lessons Learned Bio: for lessons learned along the creative path, dedicated to creative people everywhere.
1 year
San Francisco City College |
Dance & Music Classes - Wrote, Produced, & Performed - One Woman Show - "Believe In Love" that conjured Paz - we met at DanceHome. |
1 year 1985-86 |
New College Of California
San Francisco, CA
BA in Humanities Focus:
Physiological Psychology
Healing through Creativity
Wrote 2 Act Musical Comedy/Performed Songs from:
Songs Of Atlantis - promoting OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Coversion)
Studied: Yoga, Tai Chi, Ballet, Jazz, Modern Dance
Projects: Piano/Songwriting/Singing/Performing
Film Acting/TV Production, & Holistic Health & Wellness |
May 1981
BA in Humanities
Arizona State University
Tempe, Az |
Graduate Choreography Class
dancing to her own music: “From The Breeze” |
Summer Program 1981
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv, Israel |
Focus: Music & Healing
Returned to Israel in 1982 with - One Woman Show
"A Dancer For Peace" Tour inspired by Peace Pilgrim
Israel, France, & Amsterdam |
Summer Program 1978
Phoenix College
Phoenix, Az
3.471 GPA
Performed with: PC Jazz Band, solo shows for PC Lunch Concert Series & Earth Day.
Won 2nd Place - PC Talent Show
with solo dance (+ Yoga) "Just Take A Pebble". |
Beginning in her senior year - her focuses:
Music, Dance, Yoga & Holistic Living
She was happy to find an amazing class:
Dimensions Of The Future
where the text was
“Auto-Biography Of A Yogi”. |
2 Years
High School/Grade School Education
Central High School
Phoenix, Az
3.59 GPA |
Focus: Dance, Music, Art, & Holistic Health
(started watching "Lillias Yoga & You!" on TV at 16)
(Senior Year: Both Phoenix College & High School) |
4 Years -
Connolly Jr. High School
Tempe, Az |
Focus: Acting, Art, Music, & Dance |
7th & 8th Grade
Royal Palm Grade School
Phoenix, Az |
Focus: Art & Music, Dance, & Acting
Aliah was always making some creation,
singing & dancing in musicals,
or in dance recitals,
& playing piano. |
1st-6th Grade
Professional Training Focusing on Energetic Healing/Wellness
Inner Light Ministry
Soquel, CA
(Santa Cruz Area) |
Visionting - is ased on the teachings of Michael Beckwith - Rev Deb at Inner Light in Soquel.
Aliah worked with the kids of every age group as a sub - offering CoCreative Arts -
and worked with the kids of many ages offering Sound Healing (Acu-Tuning Forks).
Played music for events and sang solo with choir. |
2007-2017 ongoing |
Tree Of Light Institute
Austin, TX |
Natural Health & Herb Specialist
Workshops with Dr. Greenberg Ph.D., D.C. on
“Biological Terrain Assessment”
and other Herbal Healing focused classes. |
2 Years
Alexander Technique - Class & Private Sessions
Austin, TX |
Ergonomics Specialist
Developing: CenterStretching& combining it
w/ Feng Shui - co-creating a comfortable home |
2 Years
Herbs & Things Health Seminars
Austin, Texas
Healthy Solutions
Santa Cruz, CA |
Young Living Essential Oils Specialist
Use of Young Living Oils & Essential Superfood
Reflexology, Acupressure, Superfood Nutrition
Vibrational Raindrop, Neurologic & Emotional Focus
Developed & Taught: AromaTone Qigong |
Austin, TX
2002 - Now
Santa Cruz, CA
20+ Years
of Aromatherapy
Janice Novack
Ergonomics/Posture Exercise Specialist
Boston, MA |
Special Training for Ergonomics in Exercise
in doing Geriatrics exercise programs |
3 Months
Pat Wagner - Mentorship
San Francisco, CA |
Pat Wagner was a trainer with the
Women’s Olympic Heavyweight Team
(3 month training-Gold’s Gym Anchorage, AK) |
6 Months
Living Love Workshops
Phoenix, AZ |
Taught by the community of Ken Keys Jr.
who wrote: Hand book to Higher Consciousness |
Trainings & Certifications Focusing on Energetic Healing/Wellness
Jack La Lane’s Instructor Training
San Diego, CA |
Jack La Lane’s Exercise Instructor
Designing Workout Programs including:
Free Weights, Nautilus, & Yoga Classes |
School Of Natural Health
Austin, Texas |
Nature’s Sunshine Herb Specialist
Through Nature’s Garden |
2 Years
2000-2002 |
EFT & Hypnosis Cert. Level 1
San Diego, CA |
Emotional Freedom Technique Workshop
with Pat Ferrell EFT Master/CHt.
Developed & Teaches:
Blessings Flow EFT Song |
2005 |
Success Trak Hypnoterhapy
Huntington Beach, CA
Clinical Hypnotherapy (CHt.)
Hypnotherapy Specializations:
Optimal Healing & Learning
Pregnancy & Birthing
Currently adding Sound Healing
tones -
to "Activiations" for specific needs. |
Special Certifications Earned:
Certified Medical Hypnotherapy (Masters in CMH)
Hypnotic Childbirth, Memory & Concentration,
Stress Management, Weight Loss & Smoke Ending
Clinical Medical Hypnotherapy (05)
Memory/Concentration & Optimal Learning
Learning Styles – Study & Test Prep. (05)
Past Life Regression (06) |
2005-2006 |
American Pacific University
San Diego, CA
(Touring Class from Hawaii) |
Hypnotherapy Certification Class (CHt.)
Certified by: American Board of Hypnotherapy
2005 |
Center For Spiritual Living
(Science Of Mind)
San Diego, CA
Seaside Church
Encinitas, CA
Oakland Center for Spiritual Living
Oakland, CA
All required classes to enter Practitioner’s Training:
5 Gifts To An Abundant Life, Tithing, Treatment & Meditations & The Power Of Intention,
Mind Body Connection,
•Treatment & Meditations & Thomas Troward
Visioning Class w/ Rev. Joan based on the teachings of
Michael Beckwith - her teacher. Began Practitioner’s Training, & Sang in Choir
but then moved to Santa Cruz and could not finish the Practitioner’s Training. |
2007 |
Feng Shui School Of
Intuitive Design
Austin, Texas
From this training - she worked Feng Shui-ing Dressing Rooms for Touring Musicians*.
Currently Feng Shui-ing Offices,
Schools, Restaurants, and Homes
Cathy Blackaller
January 1997
During her pregnancy
for nesting instincts. |
Sacred Rose
School Of Reiki
Austin, Texas
Aliah offers all her clients energetic self healing tools to allow them to become the healer in their own lives and listen to how the body whispers. She teaches and offers longevity nutrition & interdependent support allowing miracles to happen.
Aliah calls this "The Anatomy Of A Miracle" |
Master of Tibetan, Karuna, and Ursi Reiki
Aliah was pregnant in 1996, and for it - becoming a Master in 3 styles of Reiki.
During this amazingly magical pregnancy, (studying **Fung Shui, Reiki, & Belly Dancing)
a Wellness Client with ovarian cancer went into complete remission after only 3 weeks of being under Aliah’s Wellness & Longevity care.
This is what inspired her to write
FOODCOOL offered with FOODCOOL Kits and Transparenting Tarot Readings -
for optimal health to many known touring musicians: Sarah McLachlin, Sheryl Crow, Lenny Kravitz, Dave Mathews, Counting Crows, Collective Soul, Shawn Colvin, and more - teaching how to listen to your body as it whispers.
In pre-production with app. called:
1 Year
Her Reiki Practice grew into
Sound Healing
Tibetan Reiki
has become
her focus as she teaches
Yogadance ∞
9 Qi Flow &
Tibetan 5 Element Qigong
Customer Service Jobs
Cambridge, MA |
Assistant Manager, Displays, other duties included other than sales, training new employees: Developed a training manual on Cash Register/Racks Layout and included an overview of “soft-sell” *Body Language techniques. Customer centered & from a place of service: subtle/fun/only help if they ”make it known in words/gestures they want help from you & only then” approach them and be of service from their perspective. |
1990-1992 |
Gentle Strength Food Co-op
Tempe, Arizona |
Cashier & stocker, Special Events
Originated and Facilitated ongoing music event:
Full Moon Gatherings – where we sang songs together on the full moons in the park. |
1979 |
Burt & Dulay Real Estate
San Francisco, CA |
Receptionist / Administrative Assistant:
A very busy Real Estate Office (with over 20 Real Estate Agents) taking calls on all their properties. Staying focused to details & people. |
Boston Food Co-op
Boston, MA
Customer Service Representative: multi-tasking with whatever was needed. Part-time cashier, supervising the “Free Store”, making displays, helping with special events, & assistant to the editor of The Member's Newsletter (5000 issues monthly). |
CTA (California Talent Agency)
Marin, CA |
Receptionist / Administrative Assistant:
A very Busy Talent Agency - tasks included every thing from making & taking client/customer calls, bulk mailings & designing press packs. |
CoCreative Arts & Communications Mentoring
CoCreative Arts & Communication Skills through
Vibrational Healing Voice & Ableton Songwriting,
Expressive Abstract Energetic Painting,
Poetry and Spoken Word & Video Art,
these can be added to the healing process of clients
for deeper results - through connecting to our
Inner Motivations and life callings.
Video Production - www.peacefarm.org
Peacefarm Productions - Creative Evolution Awards, Wellness Instruction Videos, Peace Centered Media, Promo materials, web sites, and learning to make iPhone/Android apps.
COCREATING.US: A Peace Centered Film Project - www.cocreating.us
CoCreating.us - An Artistic Documentary in Pre-production
about raising CoCreative Intelligence - by connecting
Optimal Learning with Optimal Wellness.
Featuring: Brain Plasticity - and the role of hormones -
with the HH9 Series and its hormonal findings.
Healing Music - www.aliahselah.com:
Music, Comedy, & Spiritual Activism
See music videos
featuring my Lotus Heart Yogadancers:
“Across The Universe 2013”
A sunset ocean blessing for Dec 2012.,
with Sound Healing Tones in the songs:
“Silence Fills Sound” introducing
Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow
and more recently March 22nd 2015,
“Bless The Water” for World Water Day.
And several Astro Qi Sound Healing Activations.
Lessons Learned Bio for Lessons learned along the creative path, dedicated to creative people everywhere.
Insights Into The Anatomy Of A Miracle
Aliah has been a Wellness Consultant for over 25 years.
She has witnessed many miracle healings in her clients and her own life - she calls her understandings -
The Anatomy of a Miracle.
Since 13, she has been
a healthy ovo-lacto Vegetarian focused on organic produce and superfoods.
A free spirited dancer who found that yoga gave wings to her dancing when she found it at 16.
At 22 she developed Yogadance Flow..
because she wanted her yoga to dance.
Then years later, after 10 years of marriage..
it was a miracle - to be pregnant at 36.
Due to being 36, it was considered a risk- pregnancy - yet all during the pregnancy she was told how all her medical tests were better than women 10 years younger or more.
During this amazing pregnancy, she studied Feng Shui for the nesting insticts, and became a Tibetan, Karuna, and Ursi Reiki Master - to connect with her child more deeperly & for healing needs during her pregnancy. She also focused on Belly Dancing and her own form of dancing yoga, Yogadance Flow.
(This has now grown with her Qigong forms into -
Yogandace ∞ 9 Qi Flow.)
During thisr magical pregnancy a woman came to work with Aliah - to prepare for an operation to remove her cancerous ovary. So Aliah agreed and together she began a Wellness program to begin building her immune system, and female organs, so she could be strong enough to cleanse - while Aliah taught her Reiki so she could offer and receive healing
from Aliah's Reiki Circle.
Then, in only 3 weeks of working full time with Aliah as a Wellness Consultant, she called to tell Aliah that - according to her Doctor visit.. she was in complete remission.
This woman also had a baby girl a year later - something her Doctor was not sure would be easy for her.
This inspired Aliah to write FOODCOOL.
Then, Aliah had only a 4 hour labor at home that offered more proof of her wisebody approach -staying in the water 3 & 1/2 hours and then allowing her her belly dancing to lead the way. She had prepared with hip circles that in a squat offered
a quick ease in labor.
Also what helped was her CD Acoustic Perfume - that had been played a several births - and this is its highest claim - for Aliah.
Out of this experience also came Isness Visions Questing - isness being the connection to our intution and guidance -
because it always is.
(Self-Muscle Testing is an isness tool.)
So this is
how Aliah first learned: The Anatomy Of A Miracle.
And studying it with herself, her family, and with clients has helped her to understanding the many factors of healing.
With many miracle healings since then,
she feels very blessed to help those who feel or are told
their are no answers.
She is currently working towards her Medical Qigong Therapist Certificate at Five Branches University. All her Holistic Health credentials that are part of her Holistic Healing application of her
PhD in Holistic Life Counseling from University of Sedona.
Aliah seeks to offer all age groups and especially families who seek to share a very special family bond:
CoCreative Qigong Sound Healing Flows.
Combining Yogadance Flow to all these Qigong forms she now starts her clients with: Yogadance ∞ 9 Qi Flow
Lotus Heart Qigong
Path of Compassion & Interdependent Support
The first time the Lotus move was shown to Aliah by by her teacher Lee Holden - Aliah was inspired to offer a new dancing form of Qigong. Each moved is part of the dance language for the Lotus Heart Yogadancers who offer this form to cocreate music videos of Aliah's songs.
Moon Cycle Qigong
Moon Cycle Qigong is a 28 Day Transformational Experience with private clients and groups - offering
Home Life Prosperity & Chakra Energetic heaing insights.
Aliah had also worked doing Western Feng Shui for dressing rooms, restaurants, offices, & homes - adding her own Vibrational Energetics. With their teacher Mantk Chia Aliah was also inspired to offer Moon Cycle Qigong from her Home Life Prosperity concepts... so it could move.
AromaTone Qigong Sessions & Self Healing Tools
blending essential oils for a specific need on that point for that need with an Acu-Tuning Fork for that need - and adding the intention of Medical Qigong.
5 years ago she began practicing Aromatherapy with her Reiki and added Sound Healing to offer
Reiki Sound Healing.
Then, she found Qigong and became a Certified Qigong Teacher under Lee Holden L.Ac. and studied Medical Qigong from him and their teacher Mantak Chia.
She also became a California Massage Therapist as part of earning her Asian Bodywork Practitioners Certificate from Five Branches University focusing on Acupressure and blending it with her Reiki Sound Healing to become AromaTone Qigong.
This method has proved very potent insessions and she also offers Self-Healing Flows &
CoCreative Qigong Sound Healing Flows
for her clients.
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