Air=mental balance
Our thoughts can help heal us or harm us.
The more intellectual we are, the more damage we can do,
if our thoughts are not constructive.

Remember: learning to make the best out of what ever happens,
is one of the most important keys to life.
It is how we do, (with what intention we do) whatever we do
that is the real essence of our task.
We may look to others for the faith to believe in this love &/or__________.
(Fill in the blank with your name/concept for God.)
Peace lives inside us through our own connection with_________.

We may find support at Anonymous groups: AA / NA / OA... etc.
(& ALA non for those who are co-dependent with addicts)
They do offer some answers...
however, the idea that we are "sick" and will never heal completely,
that we will always be tempted to be self-destructive
is very self-destructive.
The very worse part,
is the myth that there are others who are not sick, or "normal".
This "us vs. them" concept is a very self-destructive force in healing.
Our self-destructive behaviors are only symptoms of deeper underlying problems both inside ourselves and in our society at this time.
Try this if you want to create a change in your life NOW.
Go on a "junk thought fast"...
Decide to have a specific period when no junk thoughts
are left to linger very long.

Focus on re-wording the thoughts by turning the core idea
(that the thought is expressing)
into a constructive one that empowers you,
(rather than emphasizing what you don't to attract or keep with you)
to evoke the prayer clearly that you are envisioning.

Things we always say may need to be upgraded.
For instance: "Kill two birds with one stone."
into "Feed two birds with one seed."
Thoughts of: Shouldn't, Never, Can't, Won't, Mustn't...
all limit who we are as much as blaming yourself or others.
Change comes from empowerment and encouragement and a feeling of "enoughness".
You are enough, with who you are right now -
you are doing the best you can... even if it is only to reach out and read this.

For fun... while on your Junk Thought Fast - you can do an Urban Vision Quest-
go on a city walkabout and see what cosmic clues unfold to help you to heal.

As you progress you'll usually find
that you think negative thoughts more often than you think.
The idea is to upgrade each one into a positive rendition
of the idea behind the thought

more & more quickly.

Enlightenment = Deeper & deeper levels of relaxation
more & more humorous perspectives &
shorter & shorter recovery time
getting back to center...
when facing stuff.

Together we can keep trust alive through sharing
"Wise-Faith" that everything always works out for the best in the long run-
this is the real understanding that leads to feeling secure in life.
(Not to be confused with a "blind-faith" that just believes to believe in something.)

"Wise-Faith" knows that everything is perfect for our growth's sake,
from a spiritual perspective. With enough life experience behind us,
we begin to see that life has shown us over and over again,
that what we thought we wanted
may have turned out to really be not at all we wanted.
While what we didn't want at all - turns out to be a really rewarding experience. After this happens enough times in life, we begin to develop


This is when we begin to feel a sense of divine guidance in everything that happens to us. (No matter what path you label as your path to God...
or how you see or understand this divine force.)

When we take time to stop and see how we fight life,
we fight ourselves, and way too much of the time - those we love.
When we take time to stop & see how we've been fighting life's process
of refining us into better people-
we begin to let go of the belief that life is a struggle
and that's when we begin to see our visions come alive.

That's when we yearn to help others to be happy as well.

The main understanding of intention and will-
is getting in alignment with the FACT that:

How we go about helping others begins with understanding how to help ourselves and doing our best to create interdependent relationships.

When we live in a state of gratitude we come to live in grace's way.

This concept can be humorously called...
our "appreciation loop hole".
Showing appreciation will help you out of any tough situation.

Saying you are sorry is not admitting you were wrong...
especially if you did not intend to hurt the other person...
Resolution has to go beyond blame - it simply means you are sorry that that person was hurt, that you care about them.

Let us together teach the world how to offer ourselves and others interdependent love.

(For information on resolving birth family and current &/or past relationship issues through understanding how to create interdependent relationships click on image below.)

Healing the planet from the inside out!

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