3. New Perspective on ADD, Depression
& Being Bi-Polar: Alternative Healing Methods

My dream for America is in a new kind of “hip to be healthy” complementary (alternative & traditional) health education that’s available (if not required) in the schools as well as the PTA organizations &/or other groups. My goal would be to offer parents & kids more information on how a healthy lifestyle is a big part of the behavior of us all, and for the parents, especially in our kids. For instance, in my research I’ve found that hypoglycemia may be an underlying reason for kids (as well as adults) who are diagnosed with ADD. Interesting that a lot of these folks live on poor diets of white sugar and flour and chemical filled junk/snack foods that may be the biggest part of the reason these highly sensitive people are having trouble concentrating and even more so if they’re Hypoglycemic. I also feel that the Multiple Intelligences need to be incorporated into our educational systems as well. Some just learn differently than others and that needs to be honored. Two more Multiple Intelligences came to me beyond the 8 of Howard Gardner’s: 9) Spiritual & 10) Psychic. I was thrilled to find that only after I had incorporated them into my www.transparenting.net web site, someone told me who had gone to one of his seminars, that Gardner himself added a new intelligence that’s “6th sense oriented”. Most kids with ADD, besides being very bright, highly sensitive, (I feel also possibly quite psychic) and extremely artistic- they are also multi-taskers, and most of the time - they’re just plain bored in school. Also, being that they are very bright, they may find that stupid rules and overbearing authority figures (at home as well as in school) and especially ones that belittle kids, should not be listened to, so many times they don’t listen to them.

By some they are being called “Indigo Children” and are believed to have come at this time in history to make things better on our planet during this very important transition of the planet. We have to look at our whole educational system when so many kids are being doped up on Ritalin and then they turn around and tell kids to “just say no to drugs”. Interestingly enough, with those who are said to be ADD, using stimulating herbs with them has been found to help calm them down. These stimulating herbs are not leading to liver problems and other complication like Ritalin. I feel that the side effects of Ritalin childhoods will be devastating, when they finally do come to surface.

On a purely behavioral side, with both parents forced to work, there’s very little quality time left for their kids - we have to ask who has the attention deficit… the kids, or the parents who aren’t paying attention to them, and/or for that matter, teachers who are just trying to keep order in over filled classrooms where learning meaningful material is often times not part of the normal curriculum. Yet, there are alternative schools and exceptional teachers who rise to the occasion, and mainly offer kids the real support they so desperately crave. When that happens, it can change a life forever for the better.
I also have been doing lots of research on “Manic-Depression”. It seems that being in a good mood now is a national industry. I’ve been looking at natural ways to deal with the mood swings that again, are most likely connected to poor diets combined with lots of chemical additives & other bad habits on top of that. Depression may also be due to this unhealthy lifestyle that starts & continues chronic yeast problems. Then, going on really strict diets to “help” kill the yeast can exacerbate their bouts of deep depression and fear-centered thoughts- due to such strict limitations. I’ve helped others with Chronic Yeast, once I helped heal myself with it, through taking yeast balancing supplements. Trying to rid yourself of it, is another trap of the “wagging war” mentality. Yeast is always within us and needs to be in balance as part of a balanced terrain, not completely destroyed. Anti-biotics often create yeast imbalances as they wipe out all the friendly bacteria. So, Acidophilus and other friendly bacteria are an important supplement to add to the peaceful terrain. They’re more of the good guys and help to balance & strengthen the digestion as well as the over all immune system.

My latest findings are actually connecting being “bi-polar” to thyroid imbalances, and again, hypoglycemia. Also, just as with those thought to be ADD, those thought to be “bi-polar”, are sensitive artist types (often highly psychic) & may not have been raised in an environment where being sensitive or creative was “allowed” &/or encouraged. I see Manic-Depression as: creativity hitting up against the wall of manifestation. My brain research, has lead me to believe that brain chemicals are changing with each thought. Meditating & deep breathing get brain chemicals to change, so to say this is a permanent condition is ridiculous. And to say that someone who has a disease that will never heal, has only has one option for a normal life through taking a chemical drugs, that will slowly destroy their liver- and that they must do it for the rest of their lives, is absurd. From a complementary health perspective, there are some cases where psychological drugs may be an answer for a time… if the client is really distraught (suicidal) and believes it will help. However, usually this is instead of a healthy program and real friends & family giving them healthy interdependent support, (not co-dependant, humiliating support) support that allows them to take credit for their healing, and gives them the time they need to process soul searching, honorably. I tell my clients that: every break down can be a break through. It seems in many other cultures when trauma occurs (from the death of a loved one or other major life changes) the person is told to go do a vision quest or to do a walk-about… unlike in our culture, where we are not given this “time off” honorably. The person going through changes, must take on the “sick” label and call it a “nervous break-down” just to take the much needed time off to figure out what they want to do with their lives from this point on. This important time is needed to search deep within so that they may be revealed some honest meaning for themselves and soul connection towards discovering (or re-discovering) their life purpose. Often times it’s rekindling (or re-affirming) an artistic dream. Creativity when done with Spirit’s guidance and when deeply connected to soul growth is the road less traveled that brings about great art and wisdom in the artist. Yet, when creativity is self-absorbed and obsessive is becomes self-destructive, and harmful to those who care about the artist. We have all known many artists who are trapped in this downward spiral and watching VH1’s Behind the Music has revealed this to us all very thoroughly. The birthing if not re-birthing of creative endeavors into a healthy lifestyle is the most potent cure in healing I have ever witnessed. At the risk of sounding un-hip by using it too often, I wish to say that my goal, is to make healthy creativity what is “hip”.

I’m very intuitive about all this, and so I’m looking to back up my intuitions with further research of potential healing supplements as part of the remedies in a mostly natural herbal & whole foods program. I would like to get further along with this research, and I pray with the help of more education and experience I will have some real answers for the depression epidemic that plagues our country at this time. I live by the creed of “Healer, do no harm!” and these supplements have been proven to be non-toxic and still I only recommend them if the person is interested, ready and willing for a change and is already doing a health building program. I never ask anyone to get off medications and if they are on them, ask them to consult their Doctor with the program we design for them. I also recommend 2nd opinions with M.D.’s that practice complementary medicine. Above all, I let them lead with their own intuition and act as a research consultant offering what I do now as a healthy lifestyle coach.

My goal is to get to the bottom of many of these brain/mood/emotional/behavioral “diseases”- depression, manic-depression, ADD as well as others that in some cases may be related Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Environmental Illness and as I stated before, Hypoglycemia, Thyroid Imbalances, and Chronic Yeast. I feel that because we use so little of our brain’s capacity, then increasing our brain capacity through herbs & supplements, can be an important part of healing these brain/mood/emotional/behavioral “disorders”. Perhaps it could a part of healing any ailment for way that the mental state and emotion state influences all healing. Mainly, just choosing to do something that makes things better, instead of things that make the situations worse… this is the main connection that needs to be made. Once it’s made, then Spirit and our intuition lead us to the best ways and people to help us to heal. When we find purpose & heal the connection to love in our lives, we seek what’s healing. When we deny that love, we grow ill so that we create a crisis that brings us towards love and soul growth again. I feel these life lessons are why we’re here.

Herbs can certainly help people catalyze their body’s natural ability to heal. Along with the importance of herbs, is the simple yet powerful medicine of the foods we eat everyday, when we eat high quality health foods. Yet even more than what we eat, is how we think… healing is not just a physical thing. Together with the creative and spiritual elements, we begin to connect to what really keeps us healthy. I’ve been on a quest to understand how to heal the many aspects of who we are, and have seen many miracles along the way. I’m committed to continually doing all I can to rise up to such a noble effort, as understanding the mystery of nature’s gifts and offering that information with all who are open to sharing in it’s glory.

Here are some of the supplements that have been proven to be non-toxic
and are part of my brain/mood/emotional/behavior research:

5HTP, CoQ10, DHEA, Piracetam w/Choline, Hydergine,
SAM-e, Happy Camper, Superfoods Combos, & Omega 3, 6, & 9 oil Combos
(Oil Combos along with Vitex for hormonal imbalance,
another possible reason for depression and mood swings.)

The 5 Brain G's: Garlic, Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Ginseng, & Ginger.

And Brainpower Boosting Herbs & Essential Oils:
Basil, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary, & Thyme.

Healing the planet from the inside out!

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