If you're going through a lot of transitions right now...
remember, we all feel overwhelmed at times & dissatisfaction has a purpose.

If you feel...
anxious... worried... depressed... or upset about anything...
ponder these questions and know that you are on your way to feeling more comfortable about everything.
So for now, everthing that lead you to get here to read this - all the synchronicities and "coincidences that brought you here to read this now and know
that your intuition & guidance has lead you to a place where you can get support to find your own answers and
get back your power that aligns with your soul's purpose & guidance & this is what brings us miracles.
Please ask yourslef these 7 questions - they are...
7 Steps to Comfort

1) Are you fighting time?
Remember, that whatever is going on - it's just one small part of your life and that it too will pass.
We all have times we need to hear that and have some support.
Interestingly, gratitude is also the essence of patience.
Moving too fast and trying to do too much
is usually the source of many of our problems in life. Training yourself to flow with life is a Cosmic Loophole to
really enjoying life. And yes, it is something you can train to do. We all need support with this one.

2) What makes you laugh?
Finding the Divine Comedy in situations is one of the greatest arts to enjoying life -
it's always there if we can see it. We teach comedy tools for those who seek
eloquent comedic perspectives & those to share it with more easily.

3) What's prayer to you?
Some prayers are begging... some negotiations.
When we pray for all involved to come to the best solution for everyone
we energetically attract sustainable solutions.

4) Can you remember other times in your life when things all worked out ?
Recall and better yet, write down at least 3 times in your life when that has happened.

5) Is there something that you can feel gratitude for in something that's been
(or still is) really hard?

Finding gratitude for the hard lessons in life is a secret to enjoying it -
allowing the essence of our forgiveness to heals us.
We teach Life Tools for those
who want to do this more easily.

6) What over-all Life Lesson are you learning from what you are going through now?
Finding the Life Lesson in it - it's always there - if you don't see it now -
that's OK - just focus on humor/love/joy/dreams/creativity/nature
until you do. We teach Life Tools for those who want to do this more easily.

7) What allows you to feel more comfortable in uncomfortable situations?
Discover it. You know how everything is better when you feel more relaxed.
So breath deep, stretch, take a nap, meditate, massage your: hands, face, ears, feet... take a bath.
Do you need to take a break to take care of yourself - are you hungry, tired, or sick?

We look forward to connecting -
here's 3 Cosmic Loopholes that may be helpful until we do:

Cosmic Loophole #1
Slow down as much as you can to enjoy life.
And as we use difficulties to bring us closer to loved ones - we can face it together.
As we do - we begin to feel gratitude for everything.
This kind of gratitude is the very most powerful cosmic loop-hole to
a sustainable peace within and around us.

Cosmic Loophole #2
There are no mistakes, and we are given many opportunities to get messages.
Seeing the message (life lesson) in it for you and your gratitude for that message is the path.
The path continues with your ability to give to another - even in a small way -
and better yet, giving, if you can, what you would like to receive - even in a symbolic way.
This is one of the most powerful ways to move energy that seems blocked.

Cosmic Loophole #3
In all situations - pray first - before you do or say anything.
Pray (or your method of sending good energy) to see what it has taught you -
pray for each person involved to see it too. Pray for a solution that is best for all concerned.

Get comfortable - Breath Deep - Spiral Into Center - And Then Speak

Are you ready to change your life?

Are you ready for a Life Reading?

Aliah & Paz
We have been doing these
Life Readings for over 25 years
and have been blessed with sharing many wonderful and miraculous changes in people's lives.

Client Comments

We also do email mini-readings for those
with just one focus/question.

All dreams are possible in a form that fits who you are - as you attune to it.

We are here to support you in doing this for yourself -
one step at a time.

Increasing Personal Connection to Source (as each understands it) -
leads us to find ourselves even more connected to all beings everywhere -
as we do - we begin living more spiritually fulfilling & prosperous lives -
and we begin to find ways to offer what we have to share.
This is what leads our planet to peace - one awakening at a time.

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We are all healing our planet
from the inside out together!

Om Shanti Om